速報APP / 健康塑身 / Gym Bro Free

Gym Bro Free





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Gym Bro Free(圖1)-速報App

When lifting weights, we all know it is important to change up your sequence constantly to stop your body from plateauing. We do this by looking up a new program, however, programs only work for a certain amount of time before you need to look for a new one, and a lot of the time your gym doesn't even have the required equipment to carry out the exercises, so you doctor them to suit what you have. The other big problem is your muscle groups getting used in the same order every week, chest Monday, arms Friday and who cares in between... which will eventually work certain muscle groups more than others.

These issues all lead to the same thing, and it happens to everybody... the plateau.

Gym Bro Free(圖2)-速報App

You keep lifting the weights, but you see very little improvement.

So you do the 50 heaves month. Sure, you get to 50 heaves by the end of the month, but you can no longer do half as many push-ups and your bench press has dropped drastically.

Gym Bro Free(圖3)-速報App

This is where "Gym Bro" comes in handy.

"Gym Bro" can be completely customised to include the muscle groups you want to work, and the exercises you want to (or are able to) do at your gym. Just press the "Do Session" button, and "Gym Bro" will tell you what muscle group you are going to be working that day, and give you a list of exercises to do, each with a different set and rep number, thus completely changing up your weights sessions every day. Even throw in some drop sets, AMRAPs (As Many Reps As Possible) and Time Under Tension to change your session up even more. No two days will be the same.

Gym Bro Free(圖4)-速報App

"Gym Bro" will not work the same muscle group within 3 days of the last session working that muscle to ensure proper recovery time.

For those that want to work the whole body, there is a "Surprise Weights Session" option. This will select a list of exercises using random muscle groups, to give you an all over work out. Again, sets and reps are different from one exercise to the next.

Gym Bro Free(圖5)-速報App

For those wanting a cardio circuit, there is the "Do Anywhere Circuit". The great thing about this circuit is that it requires absolutely no equipment or room, so it is perfect to do in hotel rooms, in a group of people, or just watching TV by yourself.

You can select which cardio exercises to include, or not include, in your circuits as well. So if you don't want burpees, turn them off (but if you want results, leave them on)

Gym Bro Free(圖6)-速報App

In the free version, there is a maximum of 4 exercises per session. The full version has up to 10 exercises per session.